Power is bringing intentions to reality with speed.
If the intention is to create a happy and meaningful relationship then the experience of Power lies in owning up that relationship completely, taking 100% responsibility for that relationship. Let us own it 50-50% is a no power game. It's a game of transaction and account management. Power is not about being reasonable and logical, it is about being generous and compassionate. Thus it is 100% ownership.
Power is not about being reasonable and logical, it is about being generous and compassionate.
If the intention is to have a healthy and fit life, then power is in going beyond excuses of mood, weather, circumstances and justifications.
If the intention is to have a career progression, then the power goes beyond the job description and organisational politics. Power is to get things done. It is not about what you can do best, it is about doing whatever is required.
Experience of creation of power is contextual. It can be in ‘letting go‘ at one time and it can be in being consistent in some other. It can be complete ownership yet being fully detached. Power is in compassion, in kindness and in generosity.