Every individual wants to be free. Being free is not necessarily (and less of) being able to do what I want to, but it's more of being able to think, create and work with an experience of freeness – with being boundless of reasons and considerations.
Often, we all carry our baggage from the past – and most of the times, it is without realising of the past we do so. In that space our intended way of being and the reality are not aligned. That is when we experience a sense of being restricted, a lack of freedom.
Clearing of the past is an exercise of cleaning the past that is sitting in our present. The past sitting in our present means that we are filled up already with our biases, apprehensions and notions. When we are already filled up with those, how can we be thinking freely? Simply cleaning with and from the past is a powerful tool and means of becoming free.
Simply cleaning with and from the past is a powerful tool and means of becoming free.
Now that there is some clarity on the meaning of being free, let us look at some of the applications and implications of being free. All the great thinkers, inventors, philosophers, artists have delivered their best only when they were experiencing freeness in their thinking, being and expression. It is not that they did not have challenges then. It is just that in that space of freedom they were able to see beyond all those challenges. They were not hindered by their reasons and considerations nor by their situations and circumstances. In that zone, they are unstoppable.
To be able to achieve anything beyond the set normal benchmark, one needs to have a clearing and be experiencing freedom. Freedom has the ability to bring a transformation.