Covey defines maturity as the balance of "Courage" and "Consideration".
Honestly, I have never come across a better definition of 'Maturity" other than this. Let us look at these two words closely.
Courage, which is not the absence of fear but an ability to act despite fear. It is to have full self-expression of oneself within the context of responsibility. The courage to be assertive and state what needs to be stated with empathy and commitment. It is not about looking "nice" to people. It is not about making everyone happy at the cost of truth. It is not about winning brownie points by being "smart" about things and life in general. Thus, 'not speaking up' or 'not taking action' when one has to is an act of unmatured behaviour.
The second word balancing courage in this definition of maturity is 'Consideration". It is about being in the world of another person. It is to listen first to understand than to be understood. Empathy is at the heart of being considerate, kind and compassionate.
"Balance' is the operating word in this definition.