Freedom, in a colloquial manner and especially in the subcontinent, is understood to be in the context of a state. And, all the freedom fighters who fought for this through a painstakingly arduous means have finally achieved the freedom. In the external context, this freedom surely is of great importance as it provided every individual a levelled field and more importantly a space to express their own identity. It is most certainly of great value to us. But today we are looking at the internal freedom and how can one have it?
First and foremost, internal freedom is something that one cannot achieve. To ‘achieve’ freedom from something or someone one has to fight against that something or someone. In case of internal freedom, whom will the ‘self’ fight against? Therefore, internal freedom is something that cannot be achieved, but it rather is a choice. It is an ability to choose in the moment.
Internal freedom frees an individual from their own identity, limitations and internal dialogue – all of which are nothing but self-created stories.
Being free, in this context, is not about having ones’ free will to do or act in whichever manner they want to. Internal freedom is about being free despite all the reasons and considerations that could stop us. Internal freedom frees an individual from their own identity, limitations and internal dialogue – all of which are nothing but self-created stories.
These stories are constructed over a period of time. We often hear them as small yet powerful phrases (powerful because we tend to believe this story as a reality). We would have often heard something of the tune of I’m shy, I’m introvert, I’m not good with expressing, I’m not a good artist or an orator or something… Over a period, we reinforce many such phrases (of both kind – elevating and impeding us) and get entangled with them. We build our identity based on such phrases.
Freedom is in cleaning this slate of the past. It is not a fight; it is only our actions.
On the contrary, when we look at children, we see that they’re free from any apprehensions and pre-conceived notions. That is why they’re unstoppable; they’re free. Freedom is in cleaning this slate of the past. It is not a fight; it is only our actions. It is only through our active choices and being involved within this moment that we can experience true freedom.